18 and hot-blooded. I might dispense useful information once in a while


copy of a copy of a form

I have spent days experiencing life in dramas,movies, novels and comics. But they are mere caricature and imitation of reality. A copy of a copy of a form. Shadows and marionette.

Imagination does have its limits. Imagination alone can't create.

I want to experience reality in its raw form. It's ever-changing nature, different from a still pool of water. That's what that makes it exciting, isn't it?

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类别(genre): 浪漫戏剧 (romantic comedy), 音乐(music)

概要: 故事主要述说一群满怀理想的年轻人如何追逐音乐梦想,如何跨越重重障碍以达到目标。本 来被埋没在角落的奇才也被发掘,并且在舞台上大展拳脚。




千秋真一是位高傲冷酷,具有王子气质的才子。他才华横溢,是东京音乐大学的顶尖学生但因为儿时坠机的阴影而无法出国留学,因而壮志难酬, 对现实感到沮丧。











后来高怪大师Franz Strezemann的出现为各个“奇才"增添了新希望。他打算选一些学生来组另外一个交响乐团。但出乎意料的是,他选择的学生都是一些表现平平,甚至是表现劣等的学生。。。。

to be continued........

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not listed for TIP

Hey hey, I'm not chosen for Temasek Internship Program(Architecture)! Haha I concede defeat lah cause I admit that I've committed some blunders and I'm not the "model student" type to represent the college lol. If not I'll tarnish their reputation and blah blah blah.

ok so, let's analyse why I didn't get shortlisted.

1) Punctuality- I submitted the form 1 day late and I was about 1min late for the interview. When I walked in everyone was staring at me. But I made sure I was on time lor! Btw I think I wasn't late, everyone else was early instead haha! The teacher-in-charge wasn't particularly happy and gave me the sarcastic smiling face. 笑里藏刀。

Note to self: Must be 15mins early next time for important official meetings.

2) Grades- I got CCDDU. Average grades I would say. Maybe It was the U that caused them to reconsider....hmmm

3) Interview- I think I did ok at the interview though. I listed all the eras of architecture from greco-roman to gothic to renaissance to barouqe and modern, post-modern, deconstructivism etc and said my fav form of architecture is Japanese Architecture because it was able to draw influences from chinese and korean architecture and built upon new styles. I love the way it projects simplicity and zen.

Different from the usual "I have a huge passion for architecture, I want to grab this opportunity to satisfy my dream" blah blah blah.

The teacher asked me where I read them from. I said the Internet and books from my Dad. She asked whether my Dad is an architect and I said yes (some aspects lah, not all). So maybe she thinks that I'm depriving others of chance cause I can get an internship at my father's company? I dunno.

4) past records- Jumping a lot of CCA, showing my inconsistency. Feedback from teachers that I'm a super inconsistent person+ slacker?

5)Traveling- I said something about travelling in the December holidays. the period of internship is from 5 Dec to 19 Dec if I remember correctly.

Aiya I think JC is scary lor, they're able to track out every little minute details and nit bits information about you, I think if they want they can even dig out the family history of your 18 lines of generation LOL.

So, if you want to have a lot of opportunities like internship/scholarship you have to be a model student and make sure you don't have anything in your disciplinary records.

Cause at the end of the day, morals and attitude>talent and performance. That's how Asian societies work for ya.

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thoughts, current life

Currently, my thoughts are as misty as the haze. Clogged up and unclear.

With the PSI hitting 100, I dont see our quality of life going anywhere.

I dont see industrialization bringing us anywhere. With science going forward like a stream roller, our environment has retreated into degradation. How ironic.

And I've tried to find happiness in a bigger TV, a car and a watch. I've tried to find happiness in power over others and the respect of the people around me.@please find this

Besides that, I think that I have recovered from exams stress and adapted back to the normal life pace! *applause* After massacring alot of brain cells, It'll take quite awhile for your mind to project happy pictures and for it to think of normal things again.

When I use my brain too much, It'll get short circuit and I feel numb after that. Cant appreciate music, can't get excited when watching drama and can't feel love. And can't hope for the future.

Well, now I can! Currently watching Nodame Cantibile and listening to Cheryl Cole's song haha.
Thinking of Prague trip right now and hoping that I can go back to Taiwan.

I've gotten back my results and I think I'm satisfied with them. They aren't that great but they aren't that bad either. I could've done better but I did all that I could so I dont see the point of running myself down in a depressive manner.

If I keep improving in this manner, I think I'll achieve my ideal grades and hopefully I'll land somewhere in my ideal university.

I like the pace of my life right now. Lying on the bed and daydreaming, watching my favourite drama at the computer hub in school while everyone is caught up with PW, surfing random sites on the internet. Haha, I guess I like to live in my own world.

I'm also trying to apply for Dunman Hostel next year because I think that It'll be a more conducive environment for me, got quite a few friends there, and the life there is quite superb I heard. Lots of facilities, events and celebrations. Beats the boring routine this year. Going to school, coming back home,sleep.

Heard that that waiting list is quite long, So I'm going to keep my fingers crossed and pray. Shouldn't keep my hopes up though, haha.

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Political correctness

Ok, there’s this social norm/fault/problem/phenomenon in singapore and I’m here to address it today.

I think there’s this excessive fear in Singaporeans about their speech and violating the out-of-bounds markers. In turn, they toe the line set out by the govt carefully, causing them to become quite false,hypocritical and of course…the lack of sense of humour….. and also disdain in important current affairs. As the Chinese saying goes, they only sweep the snow thats right infront of their doorstep.

For example right, when policies come out in the newspaper and I will make random comments about them. When I do so, my mom almost choked on her coffee and said with a sour and bitter-gourd face: “wah you better dont say this outside hor, if PAP catch you, you will get jailed!”

Now, now. I dont think there is white terror in Singapore. And we are not living in a dystopic society like in George Orwell’s 1984 ROFL.

I think my mum’s the kind that’s apathetic about social issues. She’ll still read them but she thinks that changing things are beyond her ability and we should leave everything to the govt.

Apparently, there are a lot of miss little political-correct in school. And surprise surprise most of them are girls (not trying to be sexist). They’ll be like wonder woman, complete with the american underwear and all. They’ll strangle you with their lassos once they catch you making comments that are deemed unacceptable.

There’s this girl in my class who is extreme pc, I cannot tahan. Once a upon a time, she kept eating at the muslim stall in school and I jokingly said “wah you became muslim isit”. Then her face suddenly turn black like charcoal and said “tsk ,nothing wrong with being muslim what! show some respect please.”

Btw, I dont think that my comments are insulting and condescending in anyway. It’s like saying “wah since when did you become angmoh” when you keep patronising the western stall or “wah you became japanese isit”.

And then in class right, sometimes we will touch upon religious issues because we have to do so for the sake of General Paper. Comparatively speaking, some religious teachings do have loopholes and seem to have wreaked havoc.

I mean the creationism theory is stupid (although I think alot people would beg to differ), and how many people have been killed in the crusade conquest huh and clergymen were partly responsible for the social mess during the 100years of Chinese Ignominy.

Then if you state some comments in class people will just stare at you and think that you are some looney person released from the IMH. We are not supposed to make any comments that tear the social fabric of Singapore, remember?

If you make any comments, albeit constructive ones, people will just frown and think that you’re disrespectful. I mean for the sake and progess of mankind, I think that its ok to give constructive criticisms about religion that’s based on facts and not based on irrational ideology.

And earlier this year my ex-gp teacher was talking about a girl that is autistic( I dont think she is lah,she is just extremely extroverted) in another class and I said “but I thought autistic people cant come to TJ?”

Then immediately I got slammed by another girl (not the one on top) “why cant come to TJ?’ and she rolled her eyes.

She’s thinking that I’m elitist sia but I did not mean it that way. Btw, I think that I’m kinda humble LOL. I mean, autistic people have to go to special schools right because they have special needs that need to be catered to. Their learning ability is different from us what. so ya.

And then there’s this pc girl in my cca who gets on my nerves alot and I think she’s like the spokesperson sent by the government or something. She will find every opportunity to shoot me down about my comments.

There’s this day when my friends and I were talking about something in a jokingly manner then she said something like “can you not stereotype please?” and things like “can you please respect people?”

and guess what, the next minute of so she was talking about how guys cannot do this, guys should behave in blah blah blah manner and gays are disgusting. seems kinda contradictory to me. I think because being gay is considered to be “immoral and illegal” in the eyes of the govt, that’s why people use them as an object to vent their frustrations.

haix I’m living in a mad mad world. Sometimes I ponder what’s the use of literature when criticisms laid out 100 years ago have not changed to social problem. Lu Xun must be turning in his grave now because the kind of social fault(apathetic people that follow standardised opinions like sheep without thinking them through) that are in his stories are still prevalent in society.

Oh shit, you know what I think I just missed my Econs Lecture while typing this hahaha.

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Au Revior,not

Hello world, I've started a blog again.

I want to do this because I'm too lazy to pen down my thoughts on a traditional diary and I want to monitor my thoughts on a daily basis ( it's nice to be nostalgic once in a while haha).

And at this stage of life, I'm kind of introverted, thanks to my stifling environment *rolls eyes*, so I shall resort to expressing my opinions using this platform so that I wont get schizoprenic haha.

I feel that nowadays we get caught by the fast pace of life and forget the most simple things of life, the fundamentals, and the things we lived/live for so Im going to start a blog to remind myself these things.我们忘记了最初的梦想。The blur of the traffic often causes us to forget our purpose of life.

We forgot that we need to be beautiful, and not just a clotheshanger,

we forget that friends are for companion and not for safety/accesory

We forget that studies are for gaining knowledge and not for the sake of rote memorizing...

and we live to be happy, not to endure hardships. We study so that we can gain better knowledge of the world we live in and how to utilize the best of our lives to make ourselves happy. Get straight A's for what?

So I need to remind myself of the fundamentals everyday. the initial reasons that I live for. I hope you do too!

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